
Setting strong foundations for reading skills

Our literacy program

Exploring books, letters and sounds

Reading stories is the heart of Global Explorers’ pedagogical approach. Books allow children to explore all topics from different angles and open the doors to both knowledge and imagination. Stories are the heart of Global Explorers’ pedagogical approach. Books allow children to explore all topics from different angles and open the doors to both knowledge and imagination.

Everyday story reading is a key factor for success in further academic learning.

Our comprehensive approach to literacy includes developing knowledge of letters and sound awareness. Teachers offer specific play-based activities targeting essential pre-reading skills to set strong foundations for the future.

Our literacy program

First and foremost, children’s literature enhances children’s language enriching both vocabulary and syntax. Teachers not only question children to make sure they understood the story, but they also invite them to express their feelings and opinions. It is critical for children to acquire a common culture on which they will build reading skills at school.

Secondly, early exposure to books facilitates understanding of our language system (letters, sounds, words) and of the connection between writing materials and various contexts. In that regard, illustrations in children’s books provide important cues for children to understand stories.

In the last year of preschool, literacy lessons are based on the Prelit program offering a more systematic and structured approach to pre-reading skills. By the end of our 2-year preschool program, children can recognise letters, trace them, and associate them to the initial sound of a word.

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