With Parents

Working hand-in-hand with parents

Partnerships with parents

A key factor to success

We recognise parents as the primary carers of the child. We respect their decisions and support them with parenting challenges and other difficulties they might face.

We meet with parents twice a year and review their child’s progress. Our parent information nights detail various topics and provide parents with tips that can be easily implemented at home.

Partnerships with parents

Consistency between home and what happens at Global Explorers is essential for children. Hence, we seek to develop strong partnerships with parents and positive communication channels.

Parents’ and carers’ involvement is a key contributing factor in setting up children for success and supporting learning. That is why we not only have an open-door policy, but we also invite parents to various events throughout the year. Parents are welcome to share a special talent or just pop in to read a book. Grandparents’ visits are an absolute must and bring joy as well.

In short, our centre provides a safe and nurturing environment where children feel loved, just as they do at home.

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